Domiline partecipa a Shanghai CBE2020

Il 25° Salone della bellezza CBE, SUPPLYWORLD Beauty Supply Chain Expo e tutte le attività correlate che si terranno a Shanghai New International Expo Center da maggio 19 per 21, 2020 si tengono effettivamente da luglio 9 per 11, 2020.

Come uno dei migliori produttori di cosmetici per il trucco a marchio privato dalla Cina, Domiline Cosmetics è assolutamente uno dei partecipanti.

Shanghai CBE è il principale evento commerciale dell'industria della bellezza in Asia. It is also the best choice for many people in the industry to explore the Chinese domestic market and even the beauty industry in global markets. Shanghai CBE consists of four major theme exhibitions: cosmetics exhibition, professional beauty exhibition, beauty supply chain exhibition and innovative technology raw materials exhibition. It also links with Chengdu Beauty Expo across regions and carries more than 10 exhibitions from many places in China and overseas countries to create an in-depth publicity and global strategic layout throughout the year.

The following pictures are just some corners of the exhibition.

We wamrly welcome all of you to visit our factory and we are ready to serve you at any time!

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