
第25回ビューティーエキスポCBE, SUPPLYWORLD Beauty Supply Chain Expoとその関連イベントは5月より上海新国際博覧中心で開催予定 19 に 21, 2020 実際に開催されるのは7月から 9 に 11, 2020.

中国のトッププライベートブランドメイクアップ化粧品メーカーの一つとして, ドミリン化粧品は間違いなく参加者の1つです.

上海CBEはアジアを代表する美容業界の見本市です. It is also the best choice for many people in the industry to explore the Chinese domestic market and even the beauty industry in global markets. Shanghai CBE consists of four major theme exhibitions: cosmetics exhibition, professional beauty exhibition, beauty supply chain exhibition and innovative technology raw materials exhibition. It also links with Chengdu Beauty Expo across regions and carries more than 10 exhibitions from many places in China and overseas countries to create an in-depth publicity and global strategic layout throughout the year.

The following pictures are just some corners of the exhibition.

We wamrly welcome all of you to visit our factory and we are ready to serve you at any time!

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